You are here: Inter-Store Ordering – Head Office > Purchase Order Screen Overview

Purchase Order Screen Overview

The following details are key areas of the Purchase Order screen that need to be addressed when using Inter-Store Ordering.


1 – Purchase Type: This field must be set to Purchase Order only. If desired you can set this to be a default.

2 – Supplier: Use the Supplier set up specifically for the Head Office. This is linked in the Global Options.

3 – Purchase Order No: Purchase Orders will increment consecutively. It is possible to enter a custom number into this field.

4 – Location: This field when viewed from a Site terminal will be inactive, and default to the terminals’ Location.

5 – Quantity Fields: These fields are designated in Global Options. Use of these fields both visibility and accessibility is controlled by Global and Yes/No Options.

6 – Auto Populate Quantities: This button is used when you have multiple items included in a Purchase Order, and instead of clicking and adding the quantities one by one, you will be able to enter all Order quantities into all fields.

7 – Order Status: This drop down menu allows either Site or Head Office to use custom status settings that are designated in Global Options.

8 – Save & Invoice: This button is only able to be used from the Head Office terminal. The button will save the Purchase Order and Invoice it to the Customer Account linked to the Location being used.

9 Save: This button is used by the Site and Head Office terminals to progress the status of the Purchase Order after the action has been modified.